Technology for studying the electrophysical characteristics of sedimentary rocks of South Yakutia at the railway station Kyurgellyakh using the method of remote inductive probing

№ 4 (2023)

УДК 550.370+552.08

Neradovskii L.G.

AbstractAbout the AuthorReferences
The possibilities of a new technology for applying the method of remote inductive sensing at a frequency of 1,125 and 0,281 MHz in the separation interval of the emitting and receiving antennas in terms of quantitative assessment of electrophysical characteristics in the rock foundation of engineering structures at the railway station Kyurgellyakh in South Yakutia are studied. In the strata of icy and clay deluvial-eluvial formations and sedimentary rocks (dolomites, limestones), a general increase in depth of the effective values of the electrical resistance and the real part of the complex relative permittivity, which is atypical in AC geoelectrics, has been established. The range of variability of resistivity and permeability is 600–1600 Ohm·m and 3–7 arb. units. According to a sharp change (from a smaller to a larger one) in the growth rate of resistance and permeability, two boundaries were found. The first structural boundary lies at a depth of about 10 m and corresponds to the lower boundary of the area of intense weathering. The second petrophysical boundary lies at a depth of about 20 m and characterizes the transition of the highly weathered and highly fractured upper part of the sedimentary rock mass into the lower consolidated solid part located in the area of thermal rest. The obtained results give grounds to recommend a proven technology for solving the problems of geomechanics and thermophysics of frozen soils in terms of determining their strength and depth of the lower boundary of the layer of annual heat exchanges.

Leonid G. Neradovskii
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Engineering Geocryology
Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS
36, Merzlotnaya Str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia

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Key words: station Kyurgellyakh, deduvial-eluvial formations, sedimentary rock mass, remote inductive sounding method, frequency 1,125 and 0,281 MHz, dielectric constant, electrical resistivity, effective depth

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes