Geoinformation modeling of city lawns

№ 4 (2023)

Vagizov M.R., Dvadtsatova T.V., Melnichuk I.A.

УДК 004.94

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article describes the possibility of using geoinformation modeling technology to create a three-dimensional model of a lawn area based on the formation of an accurate, detailed component geoinformation micro-model. The importance of lawn as an indicator of sustainable urban environment is described. The process of modeling on the basis of the obtained data set with the use of unmanned aerial vehicle and three-dimensional modeling environment Blender is revealed step by step. The possibilities of development of the technology of geoinformation modelling of lawns are pointed out, with a description of specific recommendations for improving the methodology proposed by the authors.
Marsel R. Vagizov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of Institute of Forestry and Nature Management
St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.М. Kirov
5, Institutsky lane, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia
ORCID 0000-0003-4848-1619
SCOPUS ID 57194441570
ResearcherID I-7074-2016
SPIN-code 4811-8943

Tatiana V. Dvadtsatova
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ornamental Plant Production
St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.М. Kirov
5, Institutsky lane, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia
ORCID 0000-0001-6621-6080
SCOPUS ID 57219987243
ResearcherID ABX-4468-2022
SPIN-code 4328-6337

Irina A. Melnichuk
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Rector of Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University,
Associate Professor of the Department of Landscape Architecture
St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.М. Kirov
5, Institutsky lane, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia
ORCID 0000-0001-7772-8874
SCOPUS ID 57044877800
ResearcherID AAE-2585-2020
SPIN-code 7478-0151

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Key words: geoinformation modeling, urban lawns, urban environment modeling technologies, geoinformatics

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes