УДК 004.942; 004.62
Shamaeva E.F., Perevozchikova A.K.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Scientific Project of the Center for Design of Sustainable Development of Civil Society Institutions
State University of Management
99, Ryazansky prospekt, Moscow, 109542, Russia
e-mail: ef_shamaeva@guu.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-1070-8550
Anna K. Perevozchikova
Associate Researcher
Center for Design of Sustainable Development of Civil Society Institutions, State University of Management
99, Ryazansky prospekt, Moscow, 109542, Russia
e-mail: ak_perevozchikova@guu.ru
1. Vinokurov E.A. Management of development of territories on the basis of the situation center technologies. Sustainable innovation: design and management. 2022;18(1):59–65.
2. Vishnekov A.V., Karpova I.P., Ferapontova E.S., Shapkin Yu.A. Use of methods of support of decision-making problems for the situational centers. Kachestvo. Innovatsii. Obrazovanie. 2011;(1):47–54.
3. Knaub R.V., Dutova E.M., Ignateva A.V. Assessment of energyecological capacity of a territory under the action of disasters of different genesis (on the example of the Siberian Federal District). Geosphere research. 2023;(1):88–105. DOI: 10.17223/25421379/26/7.
4. Liseev I.K. Ecological thinking in the formation of civilizational orientations of the Russian society of the digital age. Voprosy Filosofii. 2023;(4):48–59. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2023-4-48-59.
5. Lyubimova A.V., Shamaeva E.F., Bykov M.A., Sokolov A.S. Technology of forming a mapping database on waste and secondary resources management facilities. Geoinformatika. 2022;(1):47–57. DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2022-1-47-57.
6. Situatsionnyi tsentr Tsentra proektirovaniya ustoichivogo razvitiya institutov grazhdanskogo obshchestva [Situational Center of the Center for Designing Sustainable Development of Civil Society Institutions]. Available at: https://guu.nbics.net/ru/Situacionnyj-centr (accessed 10.06.2023).
7. Shamaeva E.F. Priorities and technologies for ensuring national security and sustainable development of Russia in the long term. In: Baltiiskii morskoi forum: materialy X Mezhdunarodnogo Baltiiskogo morskogo foruma (Kaliningrad, 26 September – 1 October 2022). Vol. 6. Kaliningrad: BGARF; 2022. pp. 357–364.
8. Bolshakov B.E., Shamaeva E.F. Development and visualization of regional natural science indicators and geographical models for sustainable development. International Journal of Advanced Studies. 2013;3(2):4–22. DOI: 10.12731/2227-930X-2013-2-1.
9. Lepetyuk V. Cartographic analysis of tourist-attractive regions using GIS technologies. Geodesy and cartography. 2020;46(4):188-193. DOI: 10.3846/gac.2020.11773.
10. Hasanova S.S., Pogosyan L.V., Novikov A.V., Batashev R.V. Urban geoinformation system: features of implementation and management. International journal of innovative technologies and research engineering. 2019;8(9):34–39. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.h7505.078919.
Key words: information, geoinformation technologies, situation center, regional systems, statistical data, methods of processing, storage, presentation of data, temporal and spatial data analysis