Information and analytical support for oil and gas exploration based on locally produced software and technology

№3 (2023)

УДК 550.8.053, 528.946, 004.05

Cheremisina E.N., Chesalov L.E., Lyubimova A.V., Markov K.N., Finkelstein M.Ya., Spiridonov V.A., Sukhanov M.G.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article is devoted to the results of the work of the Geoinformatics Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “VNIGNI” on the creation of a complex of domestic software and technological products that allow for information and analytical support of oil and gas work. These results made it possible to digitalize work in three areas: systematization and storage of information, geoinformation and analytical support for oil and gas work, which are the subject of three parts of the article. The capabilities provided by the developed software and technology systems are demonstrated using examples of solved practical problems.
Eugenia N. Cheremisina
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Head of the Geoinformatics Department of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoe sh., 117105, Moscow, Russia
Academic Supervisor of the Institute of System Analysis
and Management GBOU VO MO “Dubna University”,
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 41980, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-6041-8359

Leonid E. Chesalov
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Deputy Director General for Information Technologies and
Information Protection of Federal State Budgetary Institute
4, Marshal Rybalko str., 1123060, Moscow, Russia

Anna V. Lyubimova
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Head of the GIS and Digital Cartography Department
of the Geoinformatics Division of FSBI “VNIGNI”
8, Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
Head of the Department of GIS Technologies,
Institute of Systems Analysis and Management,
Dubna State University
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 41980, Russia
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8075-937X

Kirill N. Markov
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Head of Center for Information Resources and Technical Support of Geoinformatics Division of FSBI “VNIGNI”
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1734-6097

Mikhail Ya. Finkelstein
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Head of the 3D Modeling Department of Geological
and Geophysical Objects of FSBI “VNIGNI”
8, Varshavskoe sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia

Viktor A. Spiridonov
Сandidate of Technical Sciences
Head of the Sector of the Geoinformatics Department
8, Varshavskoe sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9421-555X

Mikhail G. Sukhanov
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Head of the Sector of the Unified Database VNIGNI
of Geoinformatics Department of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoye shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia
Associate Professor of the Department of GIS Technologies,
Institute of Systems Analysis and Management,
Dubna State University
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia

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Key words: systematization, storage, cartography, geoinformation project, three-dimensional modeling, classification

Section: Geoinformation systems