Geoinformation systems Prototype of a geonformation system for solving tasks of waste and secondary resources management on the example of the Arctic zone of Russia

№1 (2022)

УДК 504.

V.A. Maryev, E.N. Cheremisina, A.V. Lyubimova, E.F. Shamaeva, M.G. Sukhanov,
E.A. Goryunova

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article discusses the results of a scientific project developing new methodological and technological approaches to the creation of geoinformation models for the purposes of waste and secondary resource management. The urgency and originality of the work are revealed, the goals and objectives of a geoinformation system, integrating a set of spatial information on the objects of the industry and on the key aspects of its development, are formulated. A description of the prototype of such system, implemented on the example of a pilot territory — the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, — is given.
Vladimir A. Maryev
Project Manager of the Public Law Company “Russian Environmental Operator”,
Member of the Committee on Nature Management and Ecology of the CCI of the Russian Federation, UNIDO expert, Expert of the GIZ project “Climate-neutral solid municipal waste management”, Member of the Waste Management Section of the NTS of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management
12, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, 123112, Russia

Eugenia N. Cheremisina
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Academic Supervisor of the Institute of System Analysis and Management GBOU VO MO “Dubna University”,
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 41980, Russia
Head of the Geoinformatics Department of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, 117105, Moscow, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-6041-8359

Anna V. Lyubimova
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Head of the Department of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies of the Institute of System Analysis and Management GBOU VO MO “Dubna University”,
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 41980, Russia
Head of GIS and Digital Cartography Division of Geoinformatics Department of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-8075-937X

Ekaterina F. Shamaeva
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Associate Professor of the Department of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies of the Institute of System Analysis and Management of the State University “Dubna”,
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia
ORCID 0000-0002-1070-8550

Mihail G. Sukhanov
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies of the Institute of System Analysis and Management of the State University “Dubna”,
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia
Head of the Sector of the Unified Database VNIGNI of Geoinformatics Department of FSBI “VNIGNI”,
8, Varshavskoye shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia

Ekaterina A. Goryunova
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies of the Institute of System Analysis and Management, of the State University “Dubna”,
19, Universitetskaya str., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia

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Key words: geoinformation systems, secondary resources, production and consumption waste, regional development, circular economy

Section: Geoinformation systems