Using Microsoft Excel for mapping indicators of sustainable development of territories

№4 (2021)

УДК 004.67

Knaub R.V., Ignatieva A.V.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article discusses the possibility of using Excel for mapping indicators of sustainable development of the countries of the world. The features of using the program in terms of displaying indicators of sustainable development, the advantages and disadvantages of the program are revealed. The systems of indicators of sustainable development at the global and regional levels are considered. The system of sustainable development indicators developed by the International Scientific School of Sustainable Development named after P.G. Kuznetsova.
Roman V. Knaub
Candidate of Geography Sciences
Associate Professor at the Department of Nature Management of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Tomsk State University”,
36, pr. Lenina, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
ORCID 0000-0003-4909-7547

Anna V. Ignatieva
Assistant at the Department of Nature Management of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Tomsk State University”,
36, pr. Lenina, Tomsk, 634050, Russia

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Key words: indicators of sustainable development, mapping, Microsoft Excel

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes