The principles of compiling and the content of the Geocryological Map in the area of the bridge crossing over the Lena River

№3 (2021)

УДК: 528.8, 551.34
DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-3-21-29

A.A. Shestakova, Y.I. Torgovkin

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
For the safe construction and operation of a bridge it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the landscape, geocryological and hydrogeological features of the territory. In this regard, a review of the geocryological study of the permafrost zone of the bridge crossing area has been prepared; the analysis of the published and archive literature on the geological structure and hydrogeological conditions of the area under study was carried out; field and fund data and data of engineering and geological surveys were studied and analyzed; control and linking field routes and geothermal measurements in wells were carried out. The results obtained in the course of this work served as the basis for the compilation of a permafrost landscape map and then a geocryological map of the bridge over the Lena river in the area of Yakutsk on a scale of 1 : 5 000. The geocryological map shows the spatial heterogeneity of the permafrost-landscape conditions of the territory under consideration due to zonal (altitudinal-belt), regional and local factors. The information base of geocryological characteristics was the data of engineering and geological surveys.
Aliona A. Shestakova
Candidate of Geographical Sciences,
Senior Researcher of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Permafrost Mapping Laboratory of the Melnikov Permafrost Institute (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
36 Merzlotnaya st., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia

Yaroslav I. Torgovkin
Candidate of Geographical Sciences,
Head of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Permafrost Mapping Laboratory of the Melnikov Permafrost Institute
(Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
36 Merzlotnaya st., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia

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Key words: Geocryological Map, permafrost landscape, soil temperature, depth of the active layer, cryogenic processes, talik, bridge crossing.

Section: Application of GIS technologies