Development of an information and calculation complex for assessing the radioecological situation on radioactively contaminated agricultural land

№4 (2024) Krechetnikov V.V., Titov I.E., Krechetnikova E.O., Kuznetsov V.K. УДК 528.952:631.95 Key words: radioactive contamination, agrolandscapes, radionuclides, accumulation of radionuclides, attribute data base, GIS, information and calculation complex, calculation and analytical modules. Section: Application of GIS technologies

Geoinformation technologies of computer-aided design of public places in urban areas: problems and experience (on the example of Saransk)

№ 4 (2023) Semina I.A., Malakhova O.E., Teslenok S.A., Yakovenko N.V. УДК 004:004.9:528:528.94:528.48:711.4:912.4:911(470.345) Key words: geoinformation technologies, computer design, three-dimensional information modeling of cities, urban areas, public places, planning and design, AutoCAD program Section: Application of GIS technologies

№3 (2014)

GIS “Ecological study of the southern seas of Russia” on the technological platform ArcGIS Online.Arkhipova O.E. … » The object of the study is a marine ecosystems of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. The work was done on the … Continue reading

№2 (2017)

Development of a map service for the provision of materials for laboratory work the students of Nizhnevartovsk State University.Sliva E.A. … » The article presents the analysis of the teaching materials on the discipline of Geoinformation systems, which are used … Continue reading