Basic artificial Intelligence tasks in сontext of geological prospecting

№4 (2024) Сheremisina E.N., Kirpicheva E.Y., Tokareva N.A., Milovidova A.A. УДК 004.8, 303.732, 550.8.01 Key words: artificial Intelligence; multidisciplinary research; explainable artificial intelligence; machine learning; neural networks; systematic approach Section: Artifical intelligence in applied fields of knowledge

Digital technologies of the future — modern solutions in Earth sciences

№3 (2024) Naumova V.V., Patuk M.I., Eremenko A.S., Zagumennov A.A., Eremenko V.S. УДК 004.85 Key words: Earth sciences; artificial intelligence; quantum technologies; big data; wireless communication technologies; distributed ledger systems Section: Information systems in geology and geophysics

Obtaining retrospective data of the urbanized landscape condition using computer vision methods on the example of construction works

№2 (2024) Koryukin E.A., Bobakov V.S., Butorovа А.S., Sergeev A.P. УДК 504. Keywords: neural network; urbanized environment; geoinformation system; dataset; object class; image segmentation; library; artificial intelligent; object recognition; mask r-cnn. Section: Methodological and technological support for data collection … Continue reading

№2 (2024)

DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2024-2 Study of the structure of land in the 18th–21st centuries using GIS technology methods in Kenozersky national parkKozykin A.V., Nakvasina E.N. Analysis of relation between seismicity and features of potential fields within the Lena-Anabar trough: experience of usage modern GIS-technologiesKulyandina … Continue reading