Review and Analysis of XAI Methods for Addressing Geoecological Zoning and Public Health Prevention Challenges

№4 (2024) Trofimov Yu.V., Averkin A.N., Cheremisina E.N. УДК 0048 Key words: sustainable development; explainable artificial intelligence (XAI); ecological zoning; geographic information systems (GIS); neuro-fuzzy models; disease prevention; environmental risks; decision support systems; healthcare Section: Artifical intelligence in applied … Continue reading

Identification of lineaments in the Laptev Sea region by geomorphometric methods: application to seismic hazard assessment

№4 (2024) Libina N.V., Krylov A.A., Rukavishnikova D.D., Kovachev S.A., Baranov B.V. УДК 551.4.08, 550.83.016, 550.343.4 Key words: lineament analysis; shadow analysis; relief curvature; Laptev Sea; seismic hazard assessment; model of earthquake source zones; seismic lineaments. Section: Modeling geo … Continue reading

Obtaining retrospective data of the urbanized landscape condition using computer vision methods on the example of construction works

№2 (2024) Koryukin E.A., Bobakov V.S., Butorovа А.S., Sergeev A.P. УДК 504. Keywords: neural network; urbanized environment; geoinformation system; dataset; object class; image segmentation; library; artificial intelligent; object recognition; mask r-cnn. Section: Methodological and technological support for data collection … Continue reading

Development of a methodology for empirical scientific research using standard libraries of automatic machine learning on the example of predicting oil and gas reservoirs in the Tomsk Region

№1 (2024) Vladimir A. Ostanin УДК 004.89, 550.8.05, 167.7 Key words: interpretation of geophysical data, design of geological exploration works for oil and gas, design of oil and gas field development, automatic machine learning, AutoML, AI, autokeras, SHAP, LIME … Continue reading

Technology for studying the electrophysical characteristics of sedimentary rocks of South Yakutia at the railway station Kyurgellyakh using the method of remote inductive probing

№ 4 (2023) УДК 550.370+552.08 Neradovskii L.G. Key words: station Kyurgellyakh, deduvial-eluvial formations, sedimentary rock mass, remote inductive sounding method, frequency 1,125 and 0,281 MHz, dielectric constant, electrical resistivity, effective depth Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes