№4 (2024) Trofimov Yu.V., Averkin A.N., Cheremisina E.N. УДК 0048 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-4-93-118 Key words: sustainable development; explainable artificial intelligence (XAI); ecological zoning; geographic information systems (GIS); neuro-fuzzy models; disease prevention; environmental risks; decision support systems; healthcare Section: Artifical intelligence in applied … Continue reading →
№3 (2021) УДК: 528.8, 551.34DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-3-21-29 A.A. Shestakova, Y.I. Torgovkin Key words: Geocryological Map, permafrost landscape, soil temperature, depth of the active layer, cryogenic processes, talik, bridge crossing. Section: Application of GIS technologies
№4 (2017) Akhmedov T.R. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes Keywords: productive suite (PS), Kirmakinskaya, Podkirmakinskaya and Kalinskaya suites, seismic, facies analysis, neural networks, effective thickness.
Dynamics of oil and gas industry development in the 20th century using the world’s largest deposits as an example: GIS project and web service.Odintsova A.A., Gvishiani A.D., Rybkina A.I., Samokhina O.O., Astapenkova A.A., Firsova E.Yu. … » The article describes … Continue reading →
№4 (2019) Filatova V.T. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes Keywords: integration of geophysical methods, numerical modeling, transformations of the gravitational field, correlation methods, geological and geophysical model, titanium-magnetite ores, Kola Peninsula.
№2 (2019) Zlobina A.G., Zhurbin I.V. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes Keywords: resistivity survey, magnetic survey, processing, interpretation, archaeological sites, layout.
№1 (2018) Manutchariants E.O., Zyrianov V.B. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes Keywords: network model, porous medium, relative phase permeability, heterogeneity, oil field, computer simulation.
Capabilities of ArcGIS tools for structure analysis of power grids.Karpachevsky A.M., Novakovsky B.A. … » The paper deals with the basic concepts of network analysis in relation to electric networks, as well as the possibility of modules and geographic information … Continue reading →