Geoecological assessment of oil-contaminated landscapes of the Republic of Bashkortostan

№4 (2024) Nafikova E.V., Shaniyazova A.F., Aleksandrov D.V., Khuzhina R.R. УДК 553.982.2 Key words: geoecological assessment; oil spill; petroleum products; statistical analysis; emergency situations; spill causes; prevention measures; impact on ecosystems; administrative regions; soil cover; landscape cover Section: Geoecology

Technology for studying the electrophysical characteristics of sedimentary rocks of South Yakutia at the railway station Kyurgellyakh using the method of remote inductive probing

№ 4 (2023) УДК 550.370+552.08 Neradovskii L.G. Key words: station Kyurgellyakh, deduvial-eluvial formations, sedimentary rock mass, remote inductive sounding method, frequency 1,125 and 0,281 MHz, dielectric constant, electrical resistivity, effective depth Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes