Geoinformation modeling of sand injectites

№3 (2024) Nikashin K.I., Zorina S.O. УДК 004.94 Key words: geoinformation modeling; sand injectite; quartz sands; mineral resources Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

№3 (2024)

DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2024-3 Theoretical and methodological bases for visualizing geospatial data, linked data and multimedia data without programmingKukharenko E.L..Development of a GIS-module for analog search using an analytical no-code-platformProzorova G.V., Kling E.E. Application of machine learning classification algorithms to predict probability of channel … Continue reading

№3 (2015)

Methodology of detection and mapping areas with high temperature oil producing territory West Siberia based on satellite data.Alekseeva M.N., Peremitina T.O., Yashchenko I.G. … » For timely assessment of the ecological status of hard wetlands Western Siberia developed methods of … Continue reading