№3 (2024) Nikashin K.I., Zorina S.O. УДК 004.94 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-3-37-44 Key words: geoinformation modeling; sand injectite; quartz sands; mineral resources Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes
DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2024-3 Theoretical and methodological bases for visualizing geospatial data, linked data and multimedia data without programmingKukharenko E.L..Development of a GIS-module for analog search using an analytical no-code-platformProzorova G.V., Kling E.E. Application of machine learning classification algorithms to predict probability of channel … Continue reading →
№3 (2015) Zlobina T.G., Zorina J.V.,Romanova М.V., Nesterov А.V.,Kurguzkin M.G. Section: Application of GIS technologies Keywords: public administration by water resources, water management objects, geographic informationsystems, data of remote sensing of Earth, updating of data, monitoring.
Methodology of detection and mapping areas with high temperature oil producing territory West Siberia based on satellite data.Alekseeva M.N., Peremitina T.O., Yashchenko I.G. … » For timely assessment of the ecological status of hard wetlands Western Siberia developed methods of … Continue reading →