№2 (2024) Kulyandina А.S., Sokolova E.Yu., Filippova A.I. УДК 528.8.04:001.51 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-2-12-24 Keywords: Lena-Anabar trough; Lena River delta; seismicity; geomagnetic and gravity fields; anomalous and statistical characteristics of geophysical fields; GIS INTEGRO Section: Application of GIS technologies
DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2024-2 Study of the structure of land in the 18th–21st centuries using GIS technology methods in Kenozersky national parkKozykin A.V., Nakvasina E.N. Analysis of relation between seismicity and features of potential fields within the Lena-Anabar trough: experience of usage modern GIS-technologiesKulyandina … Continue reading →
№1 (2024) Sokolova E.Yu., Dong H., Rybin A.K., Pushkarev P.Yu., Matyukov V.E. УДК 550.372 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-1-42-54 Key words: magnetotelluric soundings, 2D и 3D inversions, geoelectric structure of active orogens, South Tien Shan, Tarim plate Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes
DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2024-1 Development of a methodology for empirical scientific research using standard libraries of automatic machine learning on the example of predicting oil and gas reservoirs in the Tomsk RegionOstanin V.A. Geoinformation model for risk management in Burundi Ndikumana E., Istomin E.P., Yagotinceva N.V. … Continue reading →
№ 4 (2023) УДК 550.8.053 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-4-81-88 Shirokova T.P., Sokolova T.B. Key words: gravity, interpretation, modeling, seismic-gravity modeling
№ 4 (2023) УДК 004.9 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-4-74-80 Eremeev S.V., Abakumov A.V., Krainov S.A., Kozlov A.S. Key words: image decomposition, satellite imagery, topological data analysis, segmentation, binarization
DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2023-4 Automation of digital elevation model analyzing when solving problems of economic development of karst territoriesKitaeva M.A., Drobinina E.V.Geoinformation technologies of computer-aided design of public places in urban areas: problems and experience (on the example of Saransk)Semina I.A., Malakhova O.E., Teslenok S.A., Yakovenko N.V. … Continue reading →
№3 (2023) УДК 004.942; 004.62 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-3-81-92 Shamaeva E.F., Perevozchikova A.K. Key words: information, geoinformation technologies, situation center, regional systems, statistical data, methods of processing, storage, presentation of data, temporal and spatial data analysis Section: Geoecology
№3 (2023) УДК 911.375:528.88 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-3-71-80 Dubrovskaya S.A. Key words: nature management, modern challenges, comfort of the urban environment, cartographic models, landscape unit, geomorphometric indicators, spatial differentiation, geoinformation index of comfort Section: Geoecology
№2 (2023) https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-2-49-56 Vagizov M.R., Vitlev K.A., Sokolov A.G., Popov A.I., Samsonov V.A., Makarov K.A. Key words: forest, information technologies, artificial intelligence, algorithm Section: Geoecology