An approach to creating application software for modeling of the deep heat processes (on the example of modeling non-stationary thermal conductivity above a mantle plume in the VLADI GEAD 4.0 MODULE)

№1 (2021) УДК 004.413+004.94+551.2.03::536.21 DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-1-51-73 V.I. Vasiliev, E.V. Vasilieva, N.S. Zhatnuev Keywords: applied programming, computer modeling, non-stationary thermal conductivity, mantle-crust migrant, adiabatic-geothermal interval, Vladi Gead 4.0. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

UAS rewiev for mapping.

№3 (2019) Kurkov V.M.,Smirnov A.V.,Kuznetsov V.A.  Section: Application of GIS technologies Keywords: review, UAS, aerial surveying, mapping, monitoring.