№3 (2024) Shestakova A.A. УДК 528.8, 551.34 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-3-45-52 Key words: permafrost landscapes; stability; cryogenic processes; natural risks; anthropogenic impact; soil temperature; ice content of sediments Section: Geoecology
№3 (2023) УДК 505.53 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-3-44-54 Berdengalieva A.N. Key words: intrazonal landscapes, GIS technologies, remote sensing, types of land cover, Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, Volga delta Section: Application of GIS technologies
№4 (2021) УДК 911.9 + 338.24.01 + 528.94 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2021-4-4-17 S.B. Kuzmin, D.A. Lopatkin Key words: geoinformation support, environmental risk, hazardous natural processes, protection from natural disasters, European Union Section: Geoinformation systems
DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2021-4 Geoinformation support for environmental risk assessment in countries of European UnionKuzmin S.B., Lopatkin D.A. Digitalization in geological exploration: a review and analysis of the current stateCheremisina E.N., Kostyleva T.V., Muradyan A.V. Abstract spatial structures of point objects and their application in geoinformaticsEremeev … Continue reading →
The study of the landscape structure dynamics in the Urals Steppe oil producing territories based on GIS and satellite data.Myachina K.V. … » The author’s approach to the analysis of the landscape structure dynamics of oil producing territories in the … Continue reading →
№2 (2016) Sergey B. Kuzmin, Nevzorova I.V.,Cherkashin E.A.,Shamanova S.I. Section: Geoinformation systems Keywords: GIS mapping, digital relief’s model, method of relief’s plastics, morphostructural and genetic analysis of the topography, Prebaikal region.
№1 (2019) S.B. Kuzmin Section: Geoecology Keywords: natural disasters, dangerous natural processes, prognosis and prevention of emergencies, administrative-territorial subjects.
«Metallogeny» geoportal.Tkachev A.V., Bulov S.V., Chesalova E.I. … » The «Metallogeny» geoportal is a key element of a spatial data infrastructure node being created in Vernadsky’s SGM RAS. Currently, the geoportal provides an organized access to a metadata catalog, interactive … Continue reading →
№1 (2020) S.B. Kuzmin, D.A. Lopatkin Section: Geoecology Keywords: hazardous geomorphological processes; natural disasters; emergencies; ecological-geomorphological zoning; safety of the population and the economy; transboundary territory; Baikal Region.