№4 (2024) Libina N.V., Krylov A.A., Rukavishnikova D.D., Kovachev S.A., Baranov B.V. УДК 551.4.08, 550.83.016, 550.343.4 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-4-70-82 Key words: lineament analysis; shadow analysis; relief curvature; Laptev Sea; seismic hazard assessment; model of earthquake source zones; seismic lineaments. Section: Modeling geo … Continue reading →
№ 4 (2023) Kitaeva M.A., Drobinina E.V. УДК 551.435.83 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-4-4-14 Key words: karst, digital elevation model, geographic information systems, geoprocessing Section: Application of GIS technologies
№1 (2023) Goryachev I.N. УДК 553.411 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-1-4-17 Key words: mineral prospectivity mapping, machine learning, random forest, gold, metallogenic zoning, Kolyma, North-East Russia Section: Conference proceedings ITES-2022
№4 (2022) Emelyanov I.V., Nekrasova A.K. УДК 004.67 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2022-4-54-62 Key words: QGIS, plugin, anisotropic propagation, dominant direction, active faults Section: Conference proceedings ITES-2022
№1 (2021) УДК 624.131.6:911.5/.9(571.16) DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-1-11-21 K.I. Kuzevanov, E.Yu. Pasechnik, L.N. Chilinger Keywords: GIS technology; occurrence depth; Unified state register of real estate; flood zone; engineering survey; restrictions The groundwater; zoning of the territory; accuracy of determination of coordinates; business … Continue reading →