№2 (2016) Sergey B. Kuzmin, Nevzorova I.V.,Cherkashin E.A.,Shamanova S.I. Section: Geoinformation systems Keywords: GIS mapping, digital relief’s model, method of relief’s plastics, morphostructural and genetic analysis of the topography, Prebaikal region.
№3 (2019) Khaitov B.Us. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes Keywords: relief, quarter, surface of quarter, line of average slope, plane of quarter, plane of relief, slope line, vector of slope, complexity of a relief.
№4 (2024) Libina N.V., Krylov A.A., Rukavishnikova D.D., Kovachev S.A., Baranov B.V. УДК 551.4.08, 550.83.016, 550.343.4 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-4-70-82 Key words: lineament analysis; shadow analysis; relief curvature; Laptev Sea; seismic hazard assessment; model of earthquake source zones; seismic lineaments. Section: Modeling geo … Continue reading →
№ 4 (2023) Vagizov M.R., Dvadtsatova T.V., Melnichuk I.A. УДК 004.94 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-4-29-38 Key words: geoinformation modeling, urban lawns, urban environment modeling technologies, geoinformatics Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes
№ 4 (2023) Kitaeva M.A., Drobinina E.V. УДК 551.435.83 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-4-4-14 Key words: karst, digital elevation model, geographic information systems, geoprocessing Section: Application of GIS technologies
№3 (2023) УДК 911.375:528.88 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-3-71-80 Dubrovskaya S.A. Key words: nature management, modern challenges, comfort of the urban environment, cartographic models, landscape unit, geomorphometric indicators, spatial differentiation, geoinformation index of comfort Section: Geoecology
№3 (2023) УДК 551.24.02 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2023-3-55-62 Byzov L.M., Sankov V.A., Kenzin M.Yu., Ulyanov S.A. Key words: Lanscape evolution modeling, tectonic geomorphology, Baikal Rift System, tectonic uplift Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes
№4 (2022) Krasnopeyev S.M., Nerov I.O., Bugaets A.N. УДК 004.550 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2022-4-28-35 Key words: digital elevation model, remote sensing, floodplain of large rivers Section: Conference proceedings ITES-2022
№2 (2021) УДК 528:551.4DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-2-59-66 A.E. Pshenichnikov, K.N. Dektyarev Key words: geomorphological mapping, digital elevation model, Malaya Sosva. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes
№3 (2014) Zhurbin I.V.,Petrov R.P.,Chirkova O.T. Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes Keywords: road network, settlements, the path value (laboriousness), the relief, hydro-net, river crossing, historical maps, Siberian tract.