№4 (2024) Plotnikova A.S., Khamedov V.A., Arkhiptseva E.A., Podolskaia E.S., Narykova A.N., Alekseev A.B. УДК 551.4.08, 550.83.016, 550.343.4https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-4-4-20 Key words: geoservice; interactive maps; open source software; Leaflet; OpenLayers; OpenStreetMap; Mapbox; Google Earth Engine; API Yandex.Map; the system of state environmental … Continue reading →
№3 (2021) УДК 004.9+681.518 DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-3-4-13 M.R. Vagizov, E.P. Istomin, N.V. Yagotintseva, O.N. Kolbina, A.E. Morshihina, K.V. Konzhgoladze Key words: geographic information systems, forestry, GIS development Section: Geoinformation systems
Cheremisina E.N., Spivak L.F., Spivak I.L., Dukhanin V.S. Information-analytical system «Interactive map of Dubna town».T … » he article describes interactive service, that allows the monitoring of urban areas maintenance and management companies control of Dubna. Service is based on … Continue reading →
№3 (2020) УДК: 528.8DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2020-3-53-61 Filatova V.M., Nazarov I.V., Filatov A.V. Keywords: synthetic aperture radar,radar interferometry, Sentinel-1A/B, geoinformational service, ground surfacedeformations.
DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2020-3 Web-GIS technologies usage in eco monitoring tasks on example Murmansk region lakes pollutionShemyakin A.S.,Kashulin N.A.,Petrova O.V. … » When carrying out long-term environmental monitoring programs, a whole series of problems arise related to storage, processing, visualization of data … Continue reading →
№4 (2016) Gladkov A.A., Lunina O.V. Section: Geoinformation systems Keywords: seismogenic sources, geoinformation system, active tectonics, database, interactive map.