On the stability of the lithospheric geoelectrical structure resolution in Tarim – Tien Shan junction zone: application of various approaches to the magnetotelluric data inversion

№1 (2024) Sokolova E.Yu., Dong H., Rybin A.K., Pushkarev P.Yu., Matyukov V.E. УДК 550.372 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-1-42-54 Key words: magnetotelluric soundings, 2D и 3D inversions, geoelectric structure of active orogens, South Tien Shan, Tarim plate Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Digitalization in geological exploration: a review and analysis of the current state

№4 (2021) УДК 553.98+004.9 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2021-4-18-27 E.N. Cheremisina, T.V. Kostyleva, A.V. Muradyan Key words: digital technologies; digitalization; geological exploration for oil and gas; geoinformation systems; geological information; new technologies; end-to-end technologies; import substitution. Section: Geoinformation systems

№3 (2021)

DOI:10.47148/1609-364X-2021-3 Development of a smart geoinformation system module for forest taxing data processing M.R. Vagizov, E.P. Istomin, N.V. Yagotintseva, O.N. Kolbina, A.E. Morshihina,K.V. Konzhgoladze State geological mapping and domestic geographic information systems. Why import substitution is stalled in geologyV.A. Spiridonov, M.Ya. Finkel’shtein The principles of compiling … Continue reading