№1 (2021) УДК 624.131.6:911.5/.9(571.16) DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2021-1-11-21 K.I. Kuzevanov, E.Yu. Pasechnik, L.N. Chilinger Keywords: GIS technology; occurrence depth; Unified state register of real estate; flood zone; engineering survey; restrictions The groundwater; zoning of the territory; accuracy of determination of coordinates; business … Continue reading →
№3 (2020) УДК 004.9DOI: 10.47148/1609-364X-2020-3-2-9 Shemyakin A.S.,Kashulin N.A.,Petrova O.V. Keywords: hydrochemical information, GIS, QGIS, GIS portal. Section: Application of GIS technologies
№3 (2015) Makeev A.V., Malyshev I.I. Section: Geoinformation systems Keywords: information system, DEM, water, level, flood, the flooded object of infrastructure, geoprocessingservice, map service
№4 (2024) Polishchuk Yu.M., Sokol E.S., Togachev A.A., Polishchuk V.Yu., Kupriyanov M.A., Melnikov A.V. УДК 551.34:551.58 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-4-29-38 Key words: machine learning; geoinformation system; randomized modeling; forecasting; information technology; thermokarst lake dynamics; climate change Section: Application of GIS technologies
№4 (2024) Krechetnikov V.V., Titov I.E., Krechetnikova E.O., Kuznetsov V.K. УДК 528.952:631.95 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-4-21-28 Key words: radioactive contamination, agrolandscapes, radionuclides, accumulation of radionuclides, attribute data base, GIS, information and calculation complex, calculation and analytical modules. Section: Application of GIS technologies
№4 (2024) Plotnikova A.S., Khamedov V.A., Arkhiptseva E.A., Podolskaia E.S., Narykova A.N., Alekseev A.B. УДК 551.4.08, 550.83.016, 550.343.4https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-4-4-20 Key words: geoservice; interactive maps; open source software; Leaflet; OpenLayers; OpenStreetMap; Mapbox; Google Earth Engine; API Yandex.Map; the system of state environmental … Continue reading →
№3 (2024) Shestakova A.A. УДК 528.8, 551.34 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-3-45-52 Key words: permafrost landscapes; stability; cryogenic processes; natural risks; anthropogenic impact; soil temperature; ice content of sediments Section: Geoecology
№3 (2024) Istomin E.P., Petrov Y.A., Martyn I.A., Novozhilova E.S. УДК 504.4 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-3-30-36 Key words: data analysis; spatial and temporal variability; sea currents; Kerch Strait Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes
№3 (2024) Oreshkova M.Yu., Butorin A.V. УДК 550.834.05 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-3-21-29 Key words: seismic exploration; dynamic interpretation; classification Section: Application of GIS technologies
№2 (2024) Istomin E.P., Petrov Y.A., Martyn I.A., Novozhilova E.S. УДК 551.465 https://doi.org/10.47148/1609-364X-2024-2-45-53 Key words: Kara Sea; climate; statistical methods; cluster analysis. Section: Geoecology