Cheremisina E.N., Spivak I.L,Spivak L.F.,Sokolov A.S.
Described a GIS-technology complex that allows to compare the object mapof territory (OMT) to obtain quantitative estimates of the differences and analyze the dynamics of changes in the territory condition. OMT is a digital raster map its informative load forms a set of spatial objects relating to a given class the Earth’s surface. Comparison technique allows not only to detect meaningful changes in informative load maps, but also to assess the importance of allocated differences for management development of the territory. Main feature of this approach is that a quantitative measure of the differences calculated using special evaluation functions. In this compared not the maps themselves, but their descriptions, constructed according to certain rules.This allows to significantly reduce the amount of information being processed and simplify comparisons.
The complex provides four main objectives: to form OMT; to construct OMT descriptions; construction of evaluation functions for calculating measures of OMT difference; to compare OMT descriptions and quantitative assessment of the differences. Methods and algorithms for solving these tasks are presented in details. Proposed a two-stage scheme to measure differences. At the first stage are constructed functions to calculate the differences of local measures that take into account certain types of changes, and the second – local estimates are used to calculate the integral measure of the generalized estimation differences of maps. An example illustrating the possibility of using GIS-technology comparison maps for solving the problem of choosing the most effective management scenarios of the territory development.
Section: Application of GIS technologies
Keywords: maps comparison, objects map of territory, detection changes, local differences measure, integral differences measure, changes detection, GIS- technology, management of territory development.