Modelling of geodynamic objects in three-dimensional GIS.

№3 (2015)

Petrov V.A., Veselovsky A.V.,Murashov K.Y.


The current stage of development of the mineral resource base of the country demands to create a coherent geodynamic pattern of the studied ore deposits. An additional source of information and means of processing and interpretation of data is the use of three-dimensional GIS for surround optical 3D modelling the transformation ofthe Earth’s crust geodynamic nature. Three-dimensional GIS represent holistic geodynamic pattern of the studied ore deposits in the terms of escalation of geophysical, climatic, social, environmental and other disasters.Volumetric visual representation of the irregularities of the Earth’s crust geodynamic nature allows to more accurately assessing the condition of the mineral deposits of the country. As an example of using the proposed approach, simulation results for building optical three-dimensional objects of gold fields of various type of morphology: vein and veinlet-disseminated (Verninskoe deposit) and vein (Irоkinda deposit).

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Keywords: geodynamic geographic information system, three-dimensional model, ore deposit, seismic activity.