Modern Geomagnetic Technologies of Interpretation for Seth Guyot Investigation (Marcus-Mecker Seamounts, the Pacific).

№4 (2017)

Dolgal A.S.,Ivanenko A.N.Novikova P.N.,Rashidov V.A.

Using modern interpretive geomagnetic techniques, the authors obtained new data on Seth Guyot, which is located in the west of Marcus-Necker mountains and is a part of the Western Pacific sea mount province. The guyot is rising from the depth of 5750 to 5700 m with its lateral dimensions of 53×55 km. Its 6×9 km flat top is located at a depth of 1100 m. The dredge samples contained organic limestones, olivine basalts, and ferromanganese nodules and crusts.
Data from shipboard magnetometer survey collected during the 1982 V/R Vulkanolog voyage were updated with data from the GEODAS database. Palaeomagnetic characteristics for guyot Set were determined.
In order to study the guyot deep structure, we converted the anomalous magnetic field using interpretive tomography, used mixed magnetic inversion based on finite-element approach, and created 3D interpolative model. The investigation revealed feeding channels that can relate to the multi-funnel structure of the edifice. The authors estimated the petromagnetic parameters of rocks that compose the guyot system in-situ.

Section: Modeling geo objects and geo-processes

Keywords: Seth Guyot, Marcus-Necker, technologies of interpretation, magnetic field.