Experience in using the «Sherpa» software package during field work and its integration with GIS INTEGRO

№3 (2024)

Spiridonov I.V., Dunaev D.A., Valeev N.N.

УДК .004.9

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article is devoted to the results of the joint use of the Sherpa software package, developed by the Karpinski Institute, with the GIS INTEGRO primary information module during the field work of FSBI VNIGNI in 2023. The creation of a modern complex of domestic software and technological products will allow for better and faster information and analytical support of oil and gas operations in the future. The possibilities provided by the developed software and technology complexes are demonstrated by examples of specific practical tasks.

Ivan V. Spiridonov
Department of Geoinformatics
All-Russian Research Geological Petroleum Institute (VNIGNI)
8, Varshavskoe sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
e-mail: i.spiridonov@geosys.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7889-0002
SPIN-код: 6790-491
AuthorID: 1244775

Dmitry A. Dunaev
Leading Engineer
Department of Geoinformatics
All-Russian Research Geological Petroleum Institute (VNIGNI)
8, Varshavskoe sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
е-mail: DaDunaev@yandex.ru

Nikolay N. Valeev
Department of Geoinformatics
All-Russian Research Geological Petroleum Institute (VNIGNI)
8, Varshavskoe sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
e-mail: nn.valeev@mail.ru
SPIN-код: 1750-3754

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Keywords: Information systems, data systematization, field work, «Sherpa», GIS INTEGRO, information storage

Section: Algorithmic and software GIS INTEGRO