Theoretical and methodological bases for visualizing geospatial data, linked data and multimedia data without programming

№3 (2024)

Kukharenko E.L.

УДК 528.94:004.62/.063/.065:004.9:681.516.7+912

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
This article discusses the theoretical and methodological bases of creating services for visualization of spatial data, linked data and multimedia data without programming on the example of the project “Federal Highways of the Russian Federation”, carried out by the author using his own developed software. The theoretical approach is focused on the creation, through adaptive interfaces, of applications by a non-professional user without programming, that function identically on all known hardware and software platforms, performing only configuration through interactive filling of two formalisms. Formalisms are understandable and editable for both humans and software components; they are created automatically using various methods and are used repeatedly, on various platforms. Formalisms can be encrypted for protection against unauthorized access, stored in any database management systems, including heterogeneous, distributed ones. Using this methodological tactic, the data owners or analysts etc. can use together their formal logical thinking, as well as spatial-imaginative thinking to solve complex problems without programming anything but only configuring, thus lowering the threshold for starting to use spatial visualization services and other data. The methodology presented here is not intended to be a right guide for development but in-stead it provides a useful framework for guiding the process, for example, integration.

Evgeniy L. Kukharenko
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies
10, Plakhotnogo str., Novosibirsk, 630108, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0007-9263-8202
AuthorID: 102167
ResearcherID: JTD-2239-2023

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Key words: visual analytics, data analysis, visualization method, geoinformation systems, geographic information technologies, geospatial information ecosystem, without programming

Section: Geoinformation systems