Analysis of relation between seismicity and features of potential fields within the Lena-Anabar trough: experience of usage modern GIS-technologies

№2 (2024)

Kulyandina А.S., Sokolova E.Yu., Filippova A.I.

УДК 528.8.04:001.51

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
In this paper, we study a relation between seismicity and features of geomagnetic and gravity fields within the Lena-Anabar trough and adjacent areas (northwestern Yakutia) applying the modern GIS INTEGRO software. A review of regional seismicity, registered during the instrumental observation period (1963–2022) from data of permanents seismic station network of the Yakutsk Branch of FRC GS RAS, is presented. The potential fields were analyzed based on maps compiling results of 1 : 200 000 surveys. Technologies of GIS INTEGRO allowed us to trace the main features of the spatial morphology and calculated statistical parameters of the potential fields and to compare them with known tectonic structures and a seismicity distribution within the study region. The results of the performed analysis clearly demonstrate a correlation of anomalous characteristics of gravity and magnetic fields with earthquake epicenter locations. This is a good premise for further geophysical modeling aimed at revealing structural and tectonic features of earthquake sources in northwestern Yakutia.
Albina S. Kulyandina
Postgraduate Student
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Geological Exploration Faculty
58, Belinsky str., Yakutsk, 677000, Russia
Leading Engineer-geophysicist
Yakutsk Branch of the Geophysical Survey RAS
39, Lenin Ave., Yakutsk, 677007, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0002-4330-033X
SPIN-код: 6283-7440
AuthorID: 1130268

Elena Yu. Sokolova
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Leading Researcher
Department of Geoinformatics
All-Russian Research Geological Petroleum Institute
8 Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
Leading Researcher
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
build. 1, 10, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya str., Moscow, 123242, Russia
ORCID: 0009-0002-4330-033X
SPIN-код: 9848-2055
AuthorID: 61429

Alena I. Filippova
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Senior Researcher
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Waves Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4, Kaluzhskoye sh., Moscow, Troitsk, 108840, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-9793-1685
Scopus Author ID: 57224828098
ResearcherID: L-6958-2018
SPIN-код: 9924-5029
AuthorID: 1024411

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Keywords: Lena-Anabar trough; Lena River delta; seismicity; geomagnetic and gravity fields; anomalous and statistical characteristics of geophysical fields; GIS INTEGRO

Section: Application of GIS technologies