Cluster analysis of section properties with the aim of searching areas for drilling exploration geothermal wells

№2 (2023)

Spichak V.V., Nenyukova A.I.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
Basing on the results of magnetotelluric sounding, carried out earlier in the geothermal area under examination and developed 2D-models of electrical resistivity, porosity, permeability, temperature, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity, an integrated cluster analysis of sections of enumerated parameters is fulfilled .
Combined cluster analysis enabled to detect two subsurface areas promising for drilling exploratory boreholes. One of them coincides with already developed geothermal reservoir, while another one is located at depths 2-3km in another part of the section and may be of great interest for future exploration.
Viacheslav V. Spichak
Doctor of Sciences, Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and New York Academy of Sciences, Head of the Lab Methodology of the EM data interpretation
Sсhmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS
GEMRC, POB 30, Troitsk, 108840, Russia

Alena I. Nenyukova
Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University
for Geological Prospecting
23, Miklouho-Maclay St., Moscow, 117997, Russia

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Key words: geothermal zone, exploration drilling, cluster analysis, temperature, permeability, specific heat capacity

Section: Personnel training