Mineral prospectivity mapping for forecasting gold deposits in the Central Kolyma region (Magadan region, Russia)

№1 (2023)

Goryachev I.N.

УДК 553.411

AbstractAbout the AuthorReferences
A geostatistical predictive and prospecting model of gold mineralization (map of potential resource prospects) for the area of the Central Kolyma region (within the Inyali-Debinsky synclinorium) was built using machine learning methods.
Multispectral satellite images, materials of medium- and small-scale geological mapping, data of medium-scale geophysical and lithochemical surveys were used as source data. Based on this data, an exhaustive set of indicators related to the search criteria was calculated. To build a forecast, the Random Forest method was used using random negative samples and averaging the result. The obtained forecast maps allow localizing potential gold ore objects with a spatial resolution of 2 km, which makes it possible to select promising areas for licensing. In addition, the possibilities of using machine learning methods for metallogenic zoning of the territory are shown.
Ivan N. Goryachev
Irkutsk Siberian School of Geosciences, National Research Technical University (INRTU)
83, Lermontov Str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia
е-mail: ivan.goryachev@geo.istu.edu
ORCID: 0000-0002-5250-9410
ScopusID:57245822800, SPIN: 9927-3203
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Key words: mineral prospectivity mapping, machine learning, random forest, gold, metallogenic zoning, Kolyma, North-East Russia

Section: Conference proceedings ITES-2022