Experience in the use of attribute analysis in assessing the information content and quality of regional seismic data processing

№3 (2022)

УДК 50

Uchastkin A.A., Mikhailov V.A., Navrotsky А.О.

AbstractAbout the AuthorsReferences
The article discusses the possibilities of quantifying the information content and quality of processing materials of regional seismic surveys based on the use of attribute analysis. Attribute analysis allows you to control the processing of seismic time sections, correcting the graph in a timely manner and selecting the main parameters of the processing procedures used processing, providing the most effective solution of the set geological tasks when performing regional seismic surveys according to the state assignment of the FSBI “VNIGNI”.
Andrey A. Uchastkin
Leading specialist of the Department of Scientific and
Methodological support of the Geological Department
“All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute”
8, Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
е-mail: aauchastkin@vnigni.ru

Vladimir A. Mikhailov
Head of the Department of Scientific and methodological
support of the Geological Department “All-Russian
Research Geological Oil Institute”
8, Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
e-mail: mikhailovva@vnigni.ru

Alexander O. Navrotsky
Head of the Department of Integrated Exploration Support
“All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute”
8, Varshavskoye sh., Moscow, 117105, Russia
e-mail: aonavr@vnigni.ru

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Key words: attribute analysis, seismic data processing quality control, signal/noise ratio.

Section: Information systems in geology and geophysics